What States Allow Motorcycle Interlock?

Motorcycle interlock devices are a significant part of the broader discussion on vehicle safety and DUI prevention. While these devices have been widely adopted for cars, their application to motorcycles is less commonly discussed. Understanding which states allow motorcycle interlock devices can help riders, policymakers, and law enforcement officials ensure safer roads and reduce the incidence of impaired riding. This article explores the current landscape of motorcycle interlock laws across various states, providing a comprehensive overview of where these devices are permitted and how they function.

What is a Motorcycle Interlock?

Understanding Motorcycle Interlock Devices

A motorcycle interlock is a breathalyzer device installed on a motorcycle that prevents the engine from starting if the rider’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above a predetermined limit. This technology is designed to reduce the risk of impaired riding by ensuring that only sober individuals can operate the motorcycle.

States with moto interlocks.

How Motorcycle Interlocks Work

Motorcycle interlocks function similarly to those used in cars. Before starting the engine, the rider must blow into the device. If the BAC is above the set limit, the device locks the ignition system, preventing the motorcycle from starting. Some devices also require periodic breath samples while the motorcycle is in use to ensure ongoing sobriety.

States That Allow Motorcycle Interlocks

1. California

California has been at the forefront of implementing advanced DUI prevention measures. While the state primarily focuses on car interlock devices, there are ongoing discussions about expanding these measures to include motorcycles. As of now, California does not have specific laws for motorcycle interlocks, but advocacy groups and legislators are working towards introducing such regulations.

2. Arizona

Arizona is one of the states with more progressive policies regarding vehicle interlocks. Although motorcycle interlocks are not yet a statewide requirement, the state has shown interest in exploring their use. Some local jurisdictions within Arizona may have experimental programs or pilot initiatives aimed at assessing the effectiveness of motorcycle interlocks.

3. Florida

Florida has a comprehensive approach to DUI management, which includes the use of interlock devices for cars. However, as of the latest updates, motorcycle interlocks are not explicitly mandated. There is ongoing dialogue among policymakers about including motorcycles in the interlock program, reflecting a growing interest in enhancing road safety.

States with moto interlocks.

4. Texas

Texas has a strong focus on DUI prevention with various measures in place for cars. Motorcycle interlocks, however, are not yet a part of the state’s regulations. Efforts are being made to introduce motorcycle interlock legislation, driven by the need to address impaired riding incidents more effectively.

5. New York

New York’s approach to interlock devices primarily targets automobiles. Motorcycle interlocks are not currently part of the state’s DUI prevention strategy. Nevertheless, there are discussions about expanding the use of interlocks to include motorcycles, particularly in response to rising concerns about impaired motorcycle riding.

6. Illinois

Illinois has implemented a robust interlock program for cars, but motorcycle interlocks are not yet in place. Advocacy groups are pushing for legislative changes to include motorcycles, aiming to provide a more comprehensive solution to DUI-related accidents.

7. Ohio

Ohio’s DUI prevention strategies include interlock devices for cars. The state has yet to adopt motorcycle interlocks, but there is growing support for their inclusion. Legislative efforts are underway to address this gap and enhance safety for all motorcyclists.

8. Michigan

Michigan has a detailed interlock program for cars, focusing on preventing impaired driving. Motorcycle interlocks are not part of the current regulations, but discussions are in progress to evaluate their potential benefits and implementation.

9. Georgia

Georgia’s DUI laws include car interlocks, but motorcycle interlocks are not yet part of the legislation. There is interest in expanding the program to cover motorcycles, driven by concerns about impaired riding and road safety.

10. North Carolina

North Carolina has made strides in DUI prevention with car interlocks. Motorcycle interlocks are not currently mandated, but there is momentum towards including them in future legislative updates, reflecting a commitment to improving overall road safety.

Benefits of Motorcycle Interlocks

1. Improved Road Safety

Motorcycle interlocks can significantly enhance road safety by preventing impaired individuals from riding. This reduction in impaired riding can lead to fewer accidents and fatalities, contributing to safer roads for all users.

2. Deterrence Against Impaired Riding

The presence of interlocks acts as a deterrent, discouraging individuals from riding under the influence. Knowing that their motorcycle will not start if their BAC is above the limit can discourage people from attempting to ride while impaired.

States with moto interlocks.

3. Support for Rehabilitation Programs

Motorcycle interlocks can play a crucial role in rehabilitation programs for individuals with a history of DUI offenses. By enforcing sobriety, these devices support individuals in their efforts to regain their driving privileges responsibly.

Challenges and Considerations

1. Cost of Installation

One of the primary challenges of implementing motorcycle interlocks is the cost. Installing and maintaining these devices can be expensive, which may deter some riders from participating in the program.

2. Privacy Concerns

Some individuals may have concerns about the privacy implications of having a breathalyzer device installed on their motorcycle. Addressing these concerns while ensuring effective implementation is crucial for the success of the program.

3. Technology Adaptation

Adapting interlock technology for motorcycles presents unique challenges compared to cars. Ensuring that the devices are reliable and effective in different riding conditions is essential for their success.

Future Outlook

1. Legislative Changes

As the conversation around motorcycle interlocks continues, legislative changes may pave the way for broader adoption. States that are currently exploring the inclusion of motorcycles in their interlock programs are likely to lead the way in setting new standards.

2. Increased Awareness

Raising awareness about the benefits of motorcycle interlocks can drive public support and encourage more states to adopt these measures. Educating riders, lawmakers, and the public about the advantages can facilitate a more rapid expansion of the program.

3. Technological Advancements

Advancements in technology may make motorcycle interlocks more accessible and cost-effective. Innovations that address the current challenges can improve the feasibility and effectiveness of these devices, leading to increased adoption.

The Role of Motorcycle Interlocks in DUI Prevention

Enhancing Public Safety

Motorcycle interlocks are a crucial component in the fight against impaired riding. By preventing motorcycles from starting if the rider’s BAC is above the legal limit, these devices play a significant role in reducing the number of accidents caused by drunk riding. This enhancement in public safety is essential, as impaired riding often leads to severe accidents and fatalities.

States with moto interlocks.

Support from Advocacy Groups

Advocacy groups dedicated to road safety and DUI prevention have been instrumental in pushing for the adoption of motorcycle interlocks. These organizations work tirelessly to raise awareness about the benefits of such devices and advocate for legislative changes. Their efforts are crucial in gaining public support and ensuring that motorcycle interlocks become a standard safety measure.

Impact on Insurance Rates

The implementation of motorcycle interlocks could potentially influence insurance rates. Insurance companies often consider the risk associated with different safety measures when determining premiums. With the introduction of motorcycle interlocks, there may be a reduction in accident rates, which could lead to lower insurance costs for riders who install these devices.

Comparative Analysis of States with Motorcycle Interlock Laws

Case Study: California

California’s approach to motorcycle interlocks serves as a model for other states. The state’s extensive DUI prevention program includes various measures for cars, and there is a growing push to extend these measures to motorcycles. The pilot programs and studies conducted in California provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of motorcycle interlocks and can guide other states in implementing similar regulations.

Case Study: Arizona

In Arizona, the interest in motorcycle interlocks is reflected in local pilot programs. These programs test the feasibility and effectiveness of interlocks on motorcycles, offering a glimpse into their potential impact. By examining the outcomes of these pilot programs, other states can make informed decisions about adopting motorcycle interlock laws.

Case Study: Florida

Florida’s comprehensive DUI management approach includes car interlocks, and there is an ongoing discussion about extending these measures to motorcycles. The state’s experience with car interlocks can provide valuable lessons for implementing motorcycle interlocks, including addressing logistical challenges and ensuring effective enforcement.

Technological Innovations and Future Prospects

Advances in Interlock Technology

Technological advancements are continually improving the functionality and affordability of interlock devices. Innovations in breathalyzer technology, miniaturization, and integration with motorcycle systems are making it easier to implement and maintain motorcycle interlocks. These advancements can address some of the current challenges and make motorcycle interlocks more accessible to riders.

States with moto interlocks.

Potential for Nationwide Adoption

As more states explore the benefits of motorcycle interlocks, there is potential for nationwide adoption. The success of pilot programs and legislative changes in various states can serve as a blueprint for others. A coordinated approach to implementing motorcycle interlocks can lead to a more consistent and effective strategy for reducing impaired riding across the country.

Collaboration with Manufacturers

Collaboration between policymakers, safety organizations, and interlock manufacturers is essential for the successful implementation of motorcycle interlocks. By working together, these stakeholders can address technical challenges, develop cost-effective solutions, and ensure that interlock devices meet the needs of both riders and regulators.


Understanding which states allow motorcycle interlock devices and the benefits they offer is essential for enhancing road safety and reducing impaired riding. While not all states have adopted these measures, there is growing interest and momentum towards their inclusion. By addressing the challenges and leveraging technological advancements, motorcycle interlocks can become a valuable tool in DUI prevention.